The LOW class people (:

title: Respectors'
A class full of lame and shitty people (:
we are one BIG BANG (:
Lets fuck to the lousy music~
■Pixie Lott- Boys And Girls
■Flo Rida-"JUMP"....featuring Nelly Furtado
■Linkin Park - "New Divide"
  Music Playlist at
We are the Respectors.We are unfriendly, lazy and fucked-up.
Most of us would be seen with a DICK IN OUR ASS.
We fuck each other as much as we fuck our form teacher, Miss Lim.
We are bed-wetters who would go around help each other with PUBIC HAIR SHAVING AND BLOWJOBS.
Even though we do hate anal sex we would still do it for CASH.
Even though we are bed-wetters,
we do get pregnant at times and we do suck balls.
We totally pawned the 3 last places for PSLE in Greenridge Primary (P6 badge 2oo8).
Thanks to
■Elvis the faggot
■Rayson the nerd
■Hiaming the homosexual
and our beloved form teacher Miss Lim
We are certified to be low class commoners (:
The people(:
✖ Click ✖
Jia Xin -Swiss Cottage
Li Lin -Nanyang Girls
Jemaine -Nan Hua
Farzana -Riverside Sec
Li Ting -Kranji
Jaslyn -CCK
Yen Ting -RV
Magdelene -CCK
Pei Yi -Swiss Cottage
Jing Wen -River Valley
Sin Ee -Bukit View
Yu Ting -Swiss Cottage
Rachel -St. Margaret
Serena -BPGHS
Ann Chee -West Spring
Farah -Unity Sec
Yan Lin -BPGHS
Jia Hui -Nanyang Girls
Yi Jun -Nan Hua
Yi Jing -NJC
Jun Ming -Nan Hua
Raphael -River Valley
Yu Rong -West Spring
Ee Ket -Zhenghua
Joel -Nan Hua
Darrell -Hwa Chong
Daryl -BPGHS
Yong Tee -West Spring
Hia Ming -RI
Jordan -Marie Stella
Kevin -West Spring
Rayson -Hwa Chong
Darren -Nan Hua
Benjamin -Kranji
Andre -West Spring
Jamien -BPGHS
Ron -West Spring
Pra Yuok -Regent Sec
Eng Hong -West Spring
Jun Jie -Kranji
Elvis -Hwa Chong
Our wishlist
■ Be loser(s)!
■ Class orgies
■ World War III
■ Fuck each other (:
■ Bash this fucker up-(۰•●+---:-シSTUPID-:---+●•۰)
date: Sunday, November 30, 2008
time: 9:21 PM
comments: 0
Well, um, I'm not really sure what to say. Um, hi, fellow Respectors and bloggers. Many thanks to to person who invited me to this group blog. I hope that my fellow friends, Yong Tee and the other boys and Keith-sama will be invited too. Thank you to 6-Respect of 2008 for being together. I sincerely hope that we will be able to keep in touch in the following years to come!
-Ryuki Hayabusa
date: Monday, November 24, 2008
time: 2:06 PM
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date: Sunday, November 23, 2008
time: 10:45 PM
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This class blog Die le..?So long no one post le...haix..!!!Post more guiiz...This is by more of the onlii way we can contact each other..POST AND Tg more!!!Dun want to have a dead class blog?>>>Then dun do what i listed above....! -xChipz- YR.
date: Thursday, November 20, 2008
time: 11:42 PM
comments: 0
Hi ! Hehes today gotten results le... so ok marhh? hope u all doinq well... After this PSLE still got olevel...(but still got mani yearrs to thatt) must jy to d END!!! do not giv up ^^! Wish that ur all sec skool life will be good ya! buaiis now! Needa go and sleep le... So good luckk!!! the respector...xDD, Sin Ee
your so very stressful day(i think)
date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008
time: 12:44 PM
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Dear respectors08, today could be a stressful day for all... now as you all know that PSLE results would be out so very soon(which is like tomorrow...)[20th Nov 2008]so erm... hope everyone can get good results(including me) and get to yourdream school(including me la)okays! Goodbye for now see ya Best Wishes... Jemaine Ng
date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008
time: 11:32 AM
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Wah..Long Time nobody post le.I continue the thread.XD23rd Rachel And JiaHui celebrating their birthday..Happy Birthday!!So all of you taking bus???
date: Thursday, November 13, 2008
time: 5:47 PM
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Hi ya respectors! Class almost break le..but still can meet up ya? So sadd leavinq lurhhs... Maybe next time passinq by skool or u all, i will not remember u le...TT not gonna let tears run down... SO lonq and qood buaiis!!!:( The unwanted REspector, Sin Ee...
hey guys xP
time: 4:54 PM
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hey guys!!! lawls today the last day had endedi am not gonna cry muhahaha(evil laugh)i got to stay strong!!!!I...A....AM.....NN....NO....NOT GONNA CRY!!!STOP LOOKING AT MI I AM NOT CRYINGokok i AM CRYING =.= happy?rofl(roll on floor laughing)eeeee you so mean you are still looking at mi =( lawlsok jus gonna say MUST KEEP IN TOUCH RESPECTORS!!!even though we are careless/naughty/ect.....MUST ALSO KEEP IN TOUCH!!and the song(Grow Up) is nice and cute one more thing ehhh even though we never win the E-day thingy at least we enjoyit right?-SMILES- a talkative 6-Respector,Jaslyn xP
date: Wednesday, November 12, 2008
time: 9:32 PM
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Tomorrow will be the last day of school, aren't u guys sad??This year, finally after PSLE, then it is time to say gd-bye...Although the burden is over... but something is like missing...Probably is the T'chers tat had taught us before??And of coz, the RESPECTORS!Thank you for making this the last year and the best years I had in my life.I will remember it...I dun wanna to be part with the RESPECTORS!But the day is gonna to come no matter we wish it or not...So why dun let's enjoy our last school day in GRPS mean-fully, happily, excitingly??I think i will end here, bye RESPECTORS! Wish we will meet up in the future...♥, annchee member of the RESPECTORS
time: 7:43 PM
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Tml last day le.. Really don't wish to part. Hope Respectors will still meet up in the future and we will! ok don't say le very sad.. ♥, Magdelene--JaeJung *DBSK broke the Japan Oricorn Chart AGAIN with Mirotic=] *No offense
time: 6:11 PM
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Hey Respectors!!! NEWS FLASH: TOMORROW IS OUR LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!unfortunately, tomorrows gonna come whether we like it or not and i am SERIOUSLY gonna MISS YOU GUYS!!! So,let's enjoy every moment of tomorrow.Every man has his own path, so no matter which sec school you go to, muz still meet up and keep in touch ar!!!After tomorrow, we will await our PSLE results,and hopefully everyone did well and gets into their drean school. So.... here wishing good luck!!!(will miss ya!) XOXOXOXO, Rachel <33
date: Tuesday, November 11, 2008
time: 6:20 PM
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Hey hey all, 2nd post on class blog, a round of applause?? I know that we are Leavin this year, but still, we still have to keep our spirits, High!-->High!--->High!--->Higher!!--->Highest!!! Firstly, Music Demands. What songs would you all like? Good Charlotte - Boys and Girls, Dancefloor Anthem etc.. Rihanna - Disturbia, Live Your Life etc... T.I - Whatever you like etc... Taylor swift - Love story, You're not sorry, etc... Akon - Right Now(na na na) , Lonely etc... Avril Lavigne - Innocence, The Best Damn Thing etc.. Flobots - No Handlebars etc... We The Kings - Check yes Juliet etc... Michael Jackson - Billie Jean, Thriller, Beat it etc... All American Rejects - Gives you Hell, Dirty Little secret etc... Boys Like Girls - Thunder, The Great Escape etc... Chris Brown - Forever, Wall to wall etc.. Simple Plan - Perfect, Don't Wanna think about you, Everytime, I'm Just A Kid Your Love Is A Lie , Save You, End, Take My Hand etc...
For any songs demand, It must be English, Not chinese .. Tamil... Malay.. Nonono...Only English!!
Do everyone agree we should have a Well-Deserverd break after 6-years? For atleast... 3 days 2night? Please Miss lim!! bring us out on an outing or chalet!! Last Gathering for the year?
Finally, Thank you Respectors, for making this and the last year the best years I had in my life.It will forever be etched in my memory for eternity. Thefew Days, is speeding past, Every one day last for 86,400 seconds, take that as cash, credited to your account, but it will be emptied at the end of the day and added the next day. How are you going to spend the money?
Jamien---Acer*-X, A Proud Member of the Respectors Family, also a supporter of Simple Plan !!(SP)
date: Sunday, November 9, 2008
time: 9:57 PM
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Graduation nite was over...5 more days with e class onli... T.T hereby,i wish everyone gd luck 4 their PSLE results n get into their dream skool!!!All the best!If ur results r not gd(touch wood),dun be upset,it's not e end of e world!work hard 2 achieve gd results 4 ur O' levels den.... Off 2 slp, jiahui
time: 5:52 AM
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ola , people ! school's gonna be done in a matter of DAYS . this week's the last , baybehh ! i'm so not ready to leave Greenridge Primary , i sweaaarrr[: cause this year , it's tough , yet it's filled with memories[: and i'm super bored currently , hahaha . and good luck to our class for tomorrow ! E-day , here we comee ~! till here , with love , Faraaaaaaaaaaa[: p/s. remember these days , people . cause it's gonna happen only ONCE in your lifetime[: take care .
date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008
time: 5:31 PM
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hiiya it's my first post on the blog..well dunno wat to say...yeah two days more to graduation night, can't really bear to leave, but we all have to go our own seperate ways anyways..sometime in life..we can still communicate thru the blog right?well hope we'll remember the memories forever l0lspend these last few days together MEANINGFULLY.{bade farewell}~raphAEL *.*
date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008
time: 7:58 PM
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Counting down to Graduation Night!!! 3 more days to it!!Time looks like a blink of an fast, so fast...But arn't we gonna enjoy our 7 school days??Yup! We are gonna to make the 7 days the most happy, exciting days right??Year end are coming real soon, can't bear to leave u all...But hope u all, the respectors, have good futures, all wishes come true...I think i will end here, bye =]annchee :D
time: 6:31 PM
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Hey Respectors!!! School's coming to an end soon... T.T so, enjoy your last days in school( omg i sound like you all are gonna die.lolz) anyways, check out this quote:" If you don't succeed the first time, destroy all evidence that you EVER tried.That way, you can keep trying untill you finally get it right and show off !!!"hehe... anyway's looking forward to graduation night!!! till the nxt post.......Rachel :]
time: 3:12 PM
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hey guys =D finally i got invited >.<
lolz nth to say lei but do remember to help out at our stores ^^ so many Js here o.0''' anywayz just enjoy the last 11days kays? remember to dia0 more and attend the graduation night tooxD off to play maple xD, JaSlyN<3
date: Sunday, November 2, 2008
time: 2:07 PM
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short post... gt invited finally but nice blog hahas=) its a bit late though... here i wish the respectors gd luck for their PSLE! cherio
Lost In The Darkness >< JiaXin
time: 1:08 PM
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O.o...I got invited to post le! Hahax...Eh...guiix...don want links or you all want links...?Cox....if got links than teacher verii easii see who we write on blog le ehz...So You all want links or dun want..?If u all support linkkx...than i link EVERIONE in class..hahax..1!Lurve this blog.....The (42)....should have 43...Shann is gone..ALL of us rocks!...Countdown to Graduation Nite!!!!oFF 2 plae...YR
date: Saturday, November 1, 2008
time: 8:21 PM
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this blog is not late at all.ok maybe a year end here i say gd bye first arh..DBSK says gd bye.(sry,i cant help mentioning them.)[magdelene]
■ schools still being losers
■ orgies and gangbangs are currently being planned